Please mark your calendars for our 2024 Alliance Française of Richmond Annual Meeting. We will discuss the activities and health of our chapter as well as plans for the coming year.
Additionally, we will provide an update from the 2024 Annual meeting of the Alliances of North America, being held in Seattle in October.
And, for this year's meeting, we will also celebrate Thanksgiving. The Alliance will provide roasted turkey and beverages and guests are requested to bring their favorite Thanksgiving side dish. You can register your dish here so we can try to avoid duplicates:
We will meet at the home of Brian & Carolyn Burns. Their address is:
7241 Lookout Drive, Richmond 23225 and Brian's phone is 202-256-5951. Please note that some mapping systems may show the house as 7241 Riverside Drive.
There is parking in the driveway in front of the house and at 7300 Lookout Drive (the neighbors), There is some additional parking on the road also.
We look forward to seeing you there! And, all of our members are welcome. If you're looking for your first Alliance event to attend, this might be the one!
Registration dates
Event dates
Home of Brian & Carolyn Burns, 7241 Lookout Drive, Richmond, Virginia, United States, 23225